Friday, December 14, 2012

Time Flies

I received a first birthday party invitation the other day. How time passes…

My baby is now two years and seven months old. And it still feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with my son. I love being pregnant. I loved being pampered. I loved being able to eat anything I wanted. I loved the attention. I wasn’t too keen on people touching in belly, though – especially strangers! But what I loved most was how I felt so close to my baby.

When I first came in to confirm my pregnancy, I underwent an ultrasound. I was given a printout of the results. And there he was, just a tiny speck. The doctor pointed him out to me. I could not believe that there was a little being growing inside of me.

I looked forward to every pre-natal checkup. I loved to hear his heartbeat. I needed to hear his heartbeat each time and make sure that he was still there. I loved getting my belly measured. It was comforting to know that he was growing on schedule.

When my baby became strong enough to kick, it was such joy! I was instructed to do a motion count every day. Motion counting is when I count my baby’s motions until he makes 10 moves. And he has to complete the 10 moves within an hour. I only had to do this once a day, but I would do it at least twice.

Fetal hiccups were just as fun. Fetal hiccups would just come out of the blue. What made them special is that they did not happen all the time. I would be in the middle of lunch and suddenly there we go with fetal hiccups. Or maybe I was shopping for maternity clothes or baby stuff and I’d be surprised with fetal hiccups.

I felt extremely close to my baby during my pregnancy. And I’ll probably never be that physically close to him ever again. In fact in the last few weeks of my pregnancy I got a bit sad. I almost did not want my deliver day to arrive. As much as I wanted to be able to finally see my child and hold him in my arms, I wanted to keep him safe in me longer. I wanted to shield him from the realities of the world.

But I could not stop time. He’s two years old and seven months now. He’ll be going to school soon.

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