Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I'm Good At...

So, 10 months and 7 blog posts later... I quit my stint as a preschool teacher... and marketing officer.

It was a long 10 months. It took up a lot of my time. So much time that I barely got to blog. Honestly, I felt like so much of my time, my efforts, my thoughts, my LIFE was sucked in by the school. It just wasn't worth it. I mean, I loved teaching... And I loved the kids! But after my two hour class, it was a completely different story.

I was no longer happy with what I was happening. So much was expected from me with very little resources. Not just limited resources, limited support, too. I was handling most of the classes. I was handling marketing but I had a limited budget. My last two or three months, I barely had any brochuresnto distribute.

In addition to that, I went through two nannies and my little one lacked in discipline.

I was becoming miserable... Even on paydays. I mean, it's not like I joined the company for the money anyway.

I joined the company because of the benefit of 80% off on tuition for my little one. The school was accredited by the International Preschool Curriculum. It boasts that they are the only school in the Philippines accredited by the IPC. The curriculum and lesson plans were suppose to be approved by the IPC. I was a lead preschool teacher, I never saw the curriculum. And I never had to get my lesson plans approved. Plus, the owner has been having doubts about whether or not to continue the IPC accreditation. So, I figured, the only reason I was working there was for my little one's education, but if the quality of education is substandard, even if it's free, I wouldn't send my kid to school there.

Don't get me wrong, when we first started our toddler classes there, the school was great. But things changed...

And it wasn't a change for the better.

So, now that I got that off my chest... I can move on.

I think I'll stick to stuff I'm good at. I'm good at writing. I'm good at raising my son. I'm good at customer service. I'm good at admin stuff. I'm good at party planning. Yeah, I'll stick to what I'm good at.

1 comment:

  1. that's why I left the school. Congrats Teacher Happy for making a choice. Be happy! :)
