Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ow Naturale!

Ow Naturale!

For some reason, I had a really strong feeling I was gonna deliver my second child on August 4, 2013. So when August 4 came, Titor insisted we stay home. And since we stayed home, my belly and I stayed horizontal and didn't give gravity a chance. Titor asked me to stay home til the baby came out. I agreed.

But my friend's birthday was coming up and he asked us out to dinner. Some girl time. I wasn't feeling any contractions - not even Braxton hicks. So, Thursday night, August 8, I met up with friends and former colleagues in front of my old office. We were supposed to grab a cab but there weren't any cabs. We decided to walk to the jeepney stop and take a jeepney.

We got off at the stop in front of Rustan's Ayala. We were heading for Italianni's Glorietta but found out we were having dinner at Italianni's Greenbelt. So we walked on to Greenbelt. 

Dinner was great... I was comfortable with the company. The conversation was light and entertaining. The food was just the way I liked it. The only complaint we all had was the use of paper straws - which easily became one of our topics.

Some time after ordering but before the food arrived, I had a contraction. A major contraction. A no questions asked contraction. I didn't want to alarm anyone so I decided to keep it to myself first. I planned to go home when I had a second contraction. The evening proceeded without any further activity from my belly.

On our way home, we had trouble finding a cab again. We had to walk from one taxi stop to another. A lot of people were out since the next day was a non-working holiday. We found a cab and told the driver our route - we'd drop off some people at the office, then we'd drop off our other friend at a building near my place, then I would be the last stop.

In the cab, I go another contraction. And then another. And then another... But they were still more than five minutes apart. When I got home, I greeted everyone, sat down on the sofa, got my phone and started the contraction timer app.

It was just in time because I had another contraction. I timed it to last 1 minute and 30+ seconds. That was the only contraction I got to time. The contractions came one after the other. I almost didn't make it to the car because there wasn't enough time between contractions to make it off the sofa and walk to the car.

I did manage to call my doctor and I called the clinic so that they would expect us.

It was almost midnight when we got to the clinic. I delivered my Tia at 12:49. And not a minute too soon. If she had not come out then, she would have been at risk of meconium aspiration. 

I know I'm posting really late. But I remember it just like it was yesterday.

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