Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year, New Career

I've been a preschool teacher for two weeks now. It's still all new to me but I intend to excel.

I used to be a quality assurance analyst for a business process outsourcing company. When I got pregnant, I traded that life to be a mommy 24/7.

I was a stay home mom for more than a year and a half. Half that time, my boyfriend has been encouraging me to go back to work.

I didn't want to go back to working in an office. I wanted to have the strength and time to play with my son.

I grabbed the opportunity to be a part time preschool teacher. I work four to five hours a day. I get weekends and holidays off. I get to bring my son to work with me. He gets to take the toddler classes for free. And my boyfriend supports me.

A career change at my age is unthinkable for most people. But I have gone from working in an office full time, to wiping my son's runny nose for kisses, to wiping other kid's runny noses part time...

So far, I'm happy with my choice.


  1. Great career change, Happy! I always knew you have the patience to be a teacher.
